Breaking changes in Snapshot 4.2
This page list all of the changes we've made to the mod (and UG-MP) in Snapshot 4.2 that affect your server and/or is important when migrating from an older version to this one.
Changes to the ValidModel-natives
For server owners there will be lots of changes in terms of vehicle IDs. We removed a total of 97 vehicles from UG for the following reasons:
- One of our previous developers has requested his work to be removed - we respect his decision by doing so.
- Duplicate vehicles that have little to no differences from other counterparts, for those with minor differences we ended up merging into one model.
- Unpopular vehicles that we plan on re-introducing in the future with updated models as part of content updates, assuming that we will still be able to continue working on this mod.
- Clearing disk space and overall reducing the bloat in UG's vehicle selection.
The following is the current list of the removed vehicles including names and their IDs:
- CM Greenwood (cm_greenwoo, 25398)
- CM Admiral (cm_admiral, 25397)
- CM Voodoo (cm_voodoo, 25379)
- CM Stanier (cm_stanier, 25376)
- MP Communisator (mp_commy, 25403)
- VC Baron (25442, vc_rcbaron)
- VC Bandit (25441, vc_rcbandit)
- VC Goblin (25439, vc_rcgoblin)
- VC Raider (25440, vc_rcraider)
- VC Barracks OL (vc_barracks, 6583)
- VCS Boxville (vcs_boxville, 25515)
- VC Dinghy (vc_dinghy, 6766)
- VCS Freeway (vcs_freeway, 25640)
- Hoods Rumpo XL (lcs_hoods, 6792)
- CM Kuruma (cm_kuruma, 25404)
- VC Idaho (vc_idaho, 1198)
- LC Manana (lc_manana, 6565)
- CC Patriot (cc_patriot, 25494)
- LCS Panlantic (lcs_panlant, 25386)
- LC Perennial (6570, lc_peren)
- LCS Pony (lcs_pony, 25387)
- VCS Pony (vcs_pony, 25512)
- LCS Rumpo (lcs_rumpo, 6791)
- VC Securica (vc_securica, 6642)
- VCS Stinger (vcs_stinger, 25434)
- LCS Toyz (lcs_toyz, 25388)
- VCS Topfun (vcs_topfun, 25513)
- LC RC Bandit (lc_rcbandit, 25443)
- FBI Kuruma (cm_fbicar, 25436)
- VC Sparrow (vc_sparrow, 4773)
- VC Seasparrow (vc_seaspar, 4771)
- VC Reefer (vc_reefer, 9770)
- CM Reefer (cm_reefer, 25511)
- CM Cabbie (cm_cabbie, 25446)
- CM mule 2 (cm_mule2, 25519)
- CC Trashmaster (cc_trash, 25495)
- AT Voodoo pickup (at_voodoo, 6704)
- CM Burrito (cm_burrito, 25408)
- UG Golden Hydra (ug_hydrag, 6537)
- MPLC Fire Dinghy (mplc_dinghyf, 25482)
- MPLC Fire Reefer (mplc_reeferf, 25483)
- MPLC Fire Ladder (mplc_firela, 25487)
- MPLC Fire Rescue (mplc_fireresc, 25488)
- MPVC Fire Reefer (mpvc_reeferf, 25427)
- MPVC Fire Unit (mpvc_fireunitf, 25429)
- MPVC Fire Dinghy (mpvc_dingyf, 25426)
- MPVC Fire Ladder (mpvc_firelaf, 25430)
- MPVC Fire Hazmat (mpvc_firehzmtf, 25432)
- MPVC Fire Rescue (mpvc_firerescf, 25433)
- MP Frisco (mp_friscobl, 25419)
- UL Boyarin (ul_boyarin, 25693)
- MW Dagger GTX (mw_dagger, 25545)
- UL Redwood (ul_redwood, 6259)
- VC Moonbeam (vc_moonbeam, 6622)
- VCS Benson (vcs_benson, 25514)
- VCS Boxville (vcs_boxville, 25515)
- VC Mule2 (vc_mule2, 6625)
- UG Gonzo (ug_gonzo, 6264)
- CM Bloodhound Burrito (cm_bhburrito, 25361)
- CM Predator (cm_predator, 25481)
- CC Whistle (cc_whistle, 25587)
- CM Firetruck (cm_firetruk, 25366)
- CM Ambulance (cm_ambulanm, 25364)
- CC Train Front (cc_trainf, 25573)
- CC Train Rear (cc_trainr, 25574)
- CC Securicar (cc_securica, 25377)
- CM Trash (cm_trash, 25496)
- CM Bloodhound Patriot (cm_bloodh, 4801)
- CM Blista (cm_blista, 25447)
- UL Police 2 (ul_copcarul2, 6260)
- CC Vanderlinde (cc_vanderlind, 25667)
- CC Sadler (cc_sadler, 6261)
- CC Annihilator (cc_annihilator, 25645)
- CC Schafter (cc_schafter, 6265)
- CM Militia Enforcer (cm_militia_enf, 25448)
- CC Rumpo (cc_rumpo, 25647)
- CC Police Armadillo (cc_polarm, 4778)
- CC Barracks (cc_barracks, 25493)
- CC Blista GPX (cc_blistag, 25578)
- CC Boxville (cc_boxville, 25399)
- CC Clover (cc_clover, 25581)
- CC Emperor (cc_emperor, 25582)
- UL Blackline (ul_blackline, 25712)
- LCB Schoolbus (lcb_schoolbus, 25367)
- MP Picador Racer (mp_picadorr, 25418)
- MP Sabre Racer (mp_sabrer, 25412)
- BW Stallion (bw_stallion, 25407)
- MW Trash (mw_trash, 25556)
- VC Blista Compact (vc_blistac, 6586)
- MP Deadwood (mp_deadwood, 25413)
- CC Prison Bus (cc_prisonbus, 25368)
- CC Dead Interceptor (cc_dinterc, 25684)
- CM Rhino (cm_rhino, 25372)
- UG Deluxo (ug_deluxo, 6267)
- MW Predator (mw_predator, 25465)
- CC Savanna (cc_savanna, 25688)
- CC Bolter (cc_bolter, 25579)
As for model changes, here is the list of changes that is not crucial for server developers but is interesting to know:
- Updated the cc_rhino's model and renamed it to cc_apc.
- Updated and improved the Lifeguard.
- Updated the Airtrain.
- Updated the cc_bus.
- Updated and improved the Bullworth Firetruck model.
- Updated and improved the Bullworth Schoolbus model.
- Updated VCPD Wintergreen model.
- Updated LC Ambulance model by fixing a missing texture on rear door.
- Updated MH Tailgater model by correcting scaling and other minor bugs.
- Updated BW Vaquero model, corrected scaling, many other bugs and added tuning.
- Updated BW Police model, corrected scaling, many other bugs.
- Updated lc_hoods model, corrected scaling, merged with the LCS Hoods Rumpo XL, many other bugs and added tuning.
- Updated lc_rumpo model, corrected scaling, merged with the LCS Rumpo, many other bugs and added tuning.
- Updated lcs_campvan model, corrected scaling, merged with the III Rumpo, many other bugs and added tuning.
- Updated sol_kutt model, added 2dfx light strobe.
- Updated the vc_virgo, by merging VC and VCS models.
- Improved the ug_patrol with some details and renamed it mpvc_polstan with additional Vice City authority liveries.
- Improved the bw_yankeea and bw_yankeeb with proper scaling, lowering file size and adding San Andreas details.
- Improved the ug_swtrailer.
- Reorganized the trailers. Models are slightly improved and reworked.
- Reworked the lc_polmav, now renamed to lc_polesc.
- Made an LC News Escape to replace the LCN Maverick.
- Made an FDLC Rescue Escape to replace the MP FDLC Armadillo.
- Reworked the LC Escape helicopter to replace the old LC Maverick.
- VCPD Cheetah now has a red light instead of blue.
- lc_mule is no longer merged with Mr Wongs van.
- Improved the MH Yankee and renamed it to cc_steed.
- Combined the LC(S) and VC(S) Securicar into one (lc_securica) by making chrome assets colorable to black.
- Slight improvement on the LC Stanier's taillights and name change to lc_premier.
- Slight improvement on the LCPD Stanier's taillights.
- Slight improvement on the LCPD Stanier's taillights. (LCS version)
- Slight improvement on the LC Taxi taillights.
- Slight improvement on the LC FBI car taillights and changed the emergency light model from blue to red.
- Slight improvement on the LCS Bickle taxi.
- Improved, rescaled and added 2dfx to the VC Maverick.
- Fixed bugs on the shadows and collission, added VCS based wheels to the VCS Cabbie.
- Fixed the backseat dummy position and added 2dfx to the LSPD Police Maverick.
- Fixed the backseat dummy position and added 2dfx to the SFPD Police Maverick.
- Fixed the backseat dummy position and added 2dfx to the LVPD Police Maverick.
- Fixed the backseat dummy position and added 2dfx to the Midway Police Maverick.
- Remade the VCPD Police Maverick, using the Stories model.
- Replaced the UL Police Maverick with an LCPD Police Maverick from GTA: LCS.
- Fixed the VC Stanier's LOD/VLO, made bumpers colourbable to combine with the Manhunt Stanier.
- The Bullworth copbike has been San Andreas styled and improved in size.
- Merged the VC and VCS Mule.
- Improved the LC Pony.
- Improved the LC Panlantic.
- Improved the LC Toyz.
- Improved the LCS Ballot Van and added new paintjobs.
- Renamed cm_taxi to cc_taxi and reworked the model, added paintjob system for different liveries, added two tone color and tuning.
- Reworked the model of the cc_premier (now renamed to premierb), added two tone color and added tuning.
- Replaced the old V8 Imperator with a new civilian Imperator.
- Updated the VC Deluxo with Spartan112's model.
- Updated the Midway Police Maverick with Spartan's model and fixed dummy bug.
- New Zion model to replace the old Zion.
- New Stork model to replace the Caldwell.
- New LeBonham model to replace the ul_deviant, now named mw_lebhm.
- Replaced the AT Enforcer with a new "Police Truck" (SA FBI truck) with a gun, enterable rear doors and the paintjob system for other cities.
- Updated Midway Patriot model.
- Updated Midway Enforcer model including four new paintjobs and renamed it to Guardian
- Updated Midway Civique model with new paintjobs that replaces the Carcer Voodoo
- Updated Midway Police Bike with a new model based on the Wintergreen
- Updated Midway Prison Bus with new model
- Replaced the AT FBI Sentinel with a new FBI Premier
- Updated VC and LC Enforcers with an improved model and carcols.dat lines
- Merged VC Boxville with VCS Boxville
More changes can be found on the Snapshot 4.2 changelog.