
This page contains all of the in-game zones provided by GTA: UG. The 6 coordinate values together make up a box, where the X1, Y1, and Z1 coordinates represent the bottom left position of the box, while the X2, Y2, and Z1 coordinates represent the upper right position of the box. This method, as you might have noticed, does not support "rotated" zones. All of the data is taken from info.zon, and the game uses this data to show the neighborhood / map area the player is entering.

Zone name GXT name X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2
SAN_AND United States -24000 -24000 -2000 24000 24000 2000
SUNMA Bayside Marina -2353.17 2275.79 0 -2153.17 2475.79 200
SUNNN Bayside -2741.07 2175.15 0 -2353.17 2722.79 200
BATTP Battery Point -2741.07 1268.41 -0.0000457764 -2533.04 1490.47 200
PARA Paradiso -2741.07 793.411 -0.0000610352 -2533.04 1268.41 200
CIVI Santa Flora -2741.07 458.411 -0.0000762939 -2533.04 793.411 200
BAYV Palisades -2994.49 458.411 -0.0000610352 -2741.07 1339.61 200
CITYS City Hall -2867.85 277.411 -0.0000915527 -2593.44 458.411 200
OCEAF1 Ocean Flats -2994.49 277.411 -0.0000915527 -2867.85 458.411 200
OCEAF2 Ocean Flats -2994.49 -222.589 -0.000106812 -2593.44 277.411 200
OCEAF3 Ocean Flats -2994.49 -430.276 -0.00012207 -2831.89 -222.589 200
SILLY3 Foster Valley -2270.04 -430.276 -0.00012207 -2178.69 -324.114 200
SILLY4 Foster Valley -2178.69 -599.884 -0.00012207 -1794.92 -324.114 200
HASH Hashbury -2593.44 -222.589 -0.000106812 -2411.22 54.722 200
JUNIHO Juniper Hollow -2533.04 968.369 -0.0000610352 -2274.17 1358.9 200
ESPN1 Esplanade North -2533.04 1358.9 -0.0000457764 -1996.66 1501.21 200
ESPN2 Esplanade North -1996.66 1358.9 -0.0000457764 -1524.24 1592.51 200
ESPN3 Esplanade North -1982.32 1274.26 -0.0000457764 -1524.24 1358.9 200
FINA Financial -1871.72 744.17 -0.0000610352 -1701.3 1176.42 300
CALT Calton Heights -2274.17 744.17 -0.0000610352 -1982.32 1358.9 200
SFDWT1 Downtown -1982.32 744.17 -0.0000610352 -1871.72 1274.26 200
SFDWT2 Downtown -1871.72 1176.42 -0.0000457764 -1620.3 1274.26 200
SFDWT3 Downtown -1700.01 744.267 -0.0000610352 -1580.01 1176.52 200
SFDWT4 Downtown -1580.01 744.267 -0.0000610352 -1499.89 1025.98 200
JUNIHI Juniper Hill -2533.04 578.396 -0.0000762939 -2274.17 968.369 200
CHINA Chinatown -2274.17 578.396 -0.0000762939 -2078.67 744.17 200
SFDWT5 Downtown -2078.67 578.396 -0.0000762939 -1499.89 744.267 200
THEA1 King's -2329.31 458.411 -0.0000762939 -1993.28 578.396 200
THEA2 King's -2411.22 265.243 -0.0000915527 -1993.28 373.539 200
THEA3 King's -2253.54 373.539 -0.0000915527 -1993.28 458.411 200
GARC Garcia -2411.22 -222.589 -0.000114441 -2173.04 265.243 200
DOH1 Doherty -2270.04 -324.114 -0.00012207 -1794.92 -222.589 200
DOH2 Doherty -2173.04 -222.589 -0.000106812 -1794.92 265.243 200
SFDWT6 Downtown -1993.28 265.243 -0.0000915527 -1794.92 578.396 200
SFAIR3 Easter Bay Airport -1499.89 -50.0963 -0.000106812 -1242.98 249.904 200
EASB1 Easter Basin -1794.92 249.904 -0.0000915527 -1242.98 578.396 200
EASB2 Easter Basin -1794.92 -50.0963 -0.000106812 -1499.89 249.904 200
ESPE1 Esplanade East -1620.3 1176.52 -0.0000457764 -1580.01 1274.26 200
ESPE2 Esplanade East -1580.01 1025.98 -0.0000610352 -1499.89 1274.26 200
ESPE3 Esplanade East -1499.89 578.396 -79.6152 -1339.89 1274.26 20.3848
ANGPI Angel Pine -2324.94 -2584.29 -0.0000610352 -1964.22 -2212.11 200
SHACA Shady Cabin -1632.83 -2263.44 -0.0000305176 -1601.33 -2231.79 200
BACKO Back o Beyond -1166.97 -2641.19 0 -321.744 -1856.03 200
LEAFY Leafy Hollow -1166.97 -1856.03 0 -815.624 -1602.07 200
FLINTR Flint Range -594.191 -1648.55 0 -187.7 -1276.6 200
HAUL Fallen Tree -792.254 -698.555 -0.0000534058 -452.404 -380.043 200
FARM The Farm -1209.67 -1317.1 114.981 -908.161 -787.391 251.981
ELQUE El Quebrados -1645.23 2498.52 0 -1372.14 2777.85 200
ALDEA Aldea Malvada -1372.14 2498.52 0 -1277.59 2615.35 200
DAM The Sherman Dam -968.772 1929.41 -0.0000305176 -481.126 2155.26 200
BARRA Las Barrancas -926.13 1398.73 -0.0000305176 -719.234 1634.69 200
CARSO Fort Carson -376.233 826.326 -0.0000305176 123.717 1220.44 200
QUARY Hunter Quarry 337.244 710.84 -115.239 860.554 1031.71 203.761
OCTAN Octane Springs 338.658 1228.51 0 664.308 1655.05 200
PALMS Green Palms 176.581 1305.45 -0.0000305176 338.658 1520.72 200
TOM Regular Tom -405.77 1712.86 -0.0000305176 -276.719 1892.75 200
BRUJA Las Brujas -365.167 2123.01 -0.0000305176 -208.57 2217.68 200
MEAD Verdant Meadows 37.0325 2337.18 -0.0000305176 435.988 2677.9 200
PAYAS Las Payasadas -354.332 2580.36 0.0000209808 -133.625 2816.82 200
ARCO Arco del Oeste -901.129 2221.86 0 -592.09 2571.97 200
SFAIR1 Easter Bay Airport -1794.92 -730.118 -0.0000305176 -1213.91 -50.0963 200
HANKY Hankypanky Point 2576.92 62.1579 0 2759.25 385.503 200
PALO Palomino Creek 2160.22 -149.004 0 2576.92 228.322 200
NROCK North Rock 2285.37 -768.027 0 2770.59 -269.74 200
MONT Montgomery 1119.51 119.526 -0.0000305176 1451.4 493.323 200
MONT1 Montgomery 1451.4 347.457 -0.0000610352 1582.44 420.802 200
HBARNS Hampton Barns 603.035 264.312 0 761.994 366.572 200
FERN Fern Ridge 508.189 -139.259 0 1306.66 119.526 200
DILLI Dillimore 580.794 -674.885 -0.00000953674 861.085 -404.79 200
TOPFA Hilltop Farm 967.383 -450.39 -0.0000305176 1176.78 -217.9 200
BLUEB1 Blueberry 104.534 -220.137 0.000000238419 349.607 152.236 200
BLUEB Blueberry 19.6074 -404.136 0.0000038147 349.607 -220.137 200
PANOP The Panopticon -947.98 -304.32 -0.0000114441 -319.676 327.071 200
FRED Frederick Bridge 2759.25 296.501 0 2774.25 594.757 200
MAKO The Mako Span 1664.62 401.75 0 1785.14 567.203 200
BLUAC Blueberry Acres -319.676 -220.137 0 104.534 293.324 200
MART Martin Bridge -222.179 293.324 0 -122.126 476.465 200
FALLO Fallow Bridge 434.341 366.572 0 603.035 555.68 200
CREEK Shady Creeks -1820.64 -2643.68 -0.0000801086 -1226.78 -1771.66 200
CREEK1 Shady Creeks -2030.12 -2174.89 -0.0000610352 -1820.64 -1771.66 200
WESTP1 Queens -2533.04 458.411 0 -2329.31 578.396 200
WESTP2 Queens -2593.44 54.722 0 -2411.22 458.411 200
WESTP3 Queens -2411.22 373.539 0 -2253.54 458.411 200
LA Los Santos 44.6147 -2892.97 -242.99 2997.06 -768.027 900
VE Las Venturas 869.461 596.349 -242.99 2997.06 2993.87 900
BONE Bone County -480.539 596.349 -242.99 869.461 2993.87 900
ROBAD Tierra Robada -2997.47 1659.68 -242.99 -480.539 2993.87 900
GANTB Gant Bridge -2741.45 1659.68 -0.0000610352 -2616.4 2175.15 200
GANTB1 Gant Bridge -2741.07 1490.47 -0.0000610352 -2616.4 1659.68 200
SF San Fierro -2997.47 -1115.58 -242.99 -1213.91 1659.68 900
ROBAD1 Tierra Robada -1213.91 596.349 -242.99 -480.539 1659.68 900
RED Red County -1213.91 -768.027 -242.99 2997.06 596.349 900
FLINTC Flint County -1213.91 -2892.97 -242.99 44.6147 -768.027 900
EBAY Easter Bay Chemicals -1132.82 -768.027 0 -956.476 -578.118 200
EBAY2 Easter Bay Chemicals -1132.82 -787.391 0 -956.476 -768.027 200
SFAIR4 Easter Bay Airport -1213.91 -730.118 0 -1132.82 -50.0963 200
SILLY1 Foster Valley -2178.69 -1115.58 0 -1794.92 -599.884 200
SILLY2 Foster Valley -2178.69 -1250.97 0 -1794.92 -1115.58 200
SFAIR2 Easter Bay Airport -1242.98 -50.0963 0 -1213.91 578.396 200
SFAIR5 Easter Bay Airport -1213.91 -50.096 -0.0000457764 -947.98 578.396 200
WHET Whetstone -2997.47 -2892.97 -242.99 -1213.91 -1115.58 900
LAIR1 Los Santos International 1249.62 -2394.33 -89.0839 1852 -2179.25 110.916
LAIR2A Los Santos International 1852 -2394.33 -89.0839 2089 -2179.25 110.916
BLUF1A Verdant Bluffs 930.221 -2488.42 -89.0839 1249.62 -2006.78 110.916
ELCO2 El Corona 1812.62 -2179.25 -89.0839 1970.62 -1852.87 110.916
LIND1A Willowfield 1970.62 -2179.25 -89.0839 2089 -1852.87 110.916
LIND1B Willowfield 2089 -2235.84 -89.0839 2201.82 -1989.9 110.916
LIND2A Willowfield 2089 -1989.9 -89.0839 2324 -1852.87 110.916
LIND2B Willowfield 2201.82 -2095 -89.0839 2324 -1989.9 110.916
LDOC4 Ocean Docks 2373.77 -2697.09 -89.0837 2809.22 -2330.46 110.916
LDOC1B Ocean Docks 2201.82 -2418.33 -89.0837 2324 -2095 110.916
MAR3 Marina 647.712 -1804.21 -89.0839 851.449 -1577.59 110.916
VERO4A Verona Beach 647.712 -2173.29 -89.0839 930.221 -1804.21 110.916
VERO4B Verona Beach 930.221 -2006.78 -89.0839 1073.22 -1804.21 110.916
BLUF1B Verdant Bluffs 1073.22 -2006.78 -89.0839 1249.62 -1842.27 110.916
BLUF2 Verdant Bluffs 1249.62 -2179.25 -89.0839 1692.62 -1842.27 110.916
ELCO1 El Corona 1692.62 -2179.25 -89.0839 1812.62 -1842.27 110.916
VERO1 Verona Beach 851.449 -1804.21 -89.0839 1046.15 -1577.59 110.916
MAR1 Marina 647.712 -1577.59 -89.0838 807.922 -1416.25 110.916
MAR2 Marina 807.922 -1577.59 -89.0839 926.922 -1416.25 110.916
VERO3 Verona Beach 1161.52 -1722.26 -89.0839 1323.9 -1577.59 110.916
VERO2 Verona Beach 1046.15 -1722.26 -89.0839 1161.52 -1577.59 110.916
CONF1B Conference Center 1046.15 -1804.21 -89.0839 1323.9 -1722.26 110.916
CONF1A Conference Center 1073.22 -1842.27 -89.0839 1323.9 -1804.21 110.916
THALL1 Commerce 1323.9 -1842.27 -89.0839 1701.9 -1722.26 110.916
COM1A Commerce 1323.9 -1722.26 -89.0839 1440.9 -1577.59 110.916
COM1B Commerce 1370.85 -1577.59 -89.084 1463.9 -1384.95 110.916
COM2 Commerce 1463.9 -1577.59 -89.0839 1667.96 -1430.87 110.916
PER1 Pershing Square 1440.9 -1722.26 -89.0839 1583.5 -1577.59 110.916
COM4 Commerce 1583.5 -1722.26 -89.0839 1758.9 -1577.59 110.916
LMEX1A Little Mexico 1701.9 -1842.27 -89.0839 1812.62 -1722.26 110.916
LMEX1B Little Mexico 1758.9 -1722.26 -89.0839 1812.62 -1577.59 110.916
COM3 Commerce 1667.96 -1577.59 -89.0839 1812.62 -1430.87 110.916
IWD3A Idlewood 1812.62 -1852.87 -89.0839 1971.66 -1742.31 110.916
IWD3B Idlewood 1812.62 -1742.31 -89.0839 1951.66 -1602.31 110.916
IWD4 Idlewood 1951.66 -1742.31 -89.0839 2124.66 -1602.31 110.916
IWD1 Idlewood 1812.62 -1602.31 -89.0839 2124.66 -1449.67 110.916
IWD2 Idlewood 2124.66 -1742.31 -89.0839 2222.56 -1494.03 110.916
GLN2A Glen Park 1812.62 -1449.67 -89.0839 1996.91 -1350.72 110.916
GLN1B Glen Park 1812.62 -1100.82 -89.0839 1994.33 -973.38 110.916
JEF3A Jefferson 1996.91 -1449.67 -89.0839 2056.86 -1350.72 110.916
JEF3C Jefferson 2124.66 -1494.03 -89.0839 2266.21 -1449.67 110.916
JEF2 Jefferson 2056.86 -1372.04 -89.0839 2281.45 -1210.74 110.916
JEF1B Jefferson 2056.86 -1210.74 -89.0839 2185.33 -1126.32 110.916
JEF1A Jefferson 2185.33 -1210.74 -89.0839 2281.45 -1154.59 110.916
CHC1A Las Colinas 1994.33 -1100.82 -89.0839 2056.86 -920.815 110.916
CHC1B Las Colinas 2056.86 -1126.32 -89.0839 2126.86 -920.815 110.916
CHC2B Las Colinas 2185.33 -1154.59 -89.0839 2281.45 -934.489 110.916
CHC2A Las Colinas 2126.86 -1126.32 -89.0839 2185.33 -934.489 110.916
IWD5 Idlewood 1971.66 -1852.87 -89.0839 2222.56 -1742.31 110.916
GAN2 Ganton 2222.56 -1852.87 -89.0839 2632.83 -1722.33 110.916
GAN1 Ganton 2222.56 -1722.33 -89.0839 2632.83 -1628.53 110.916
LIND4C Willowfield 2541.7 -1941.4 -89.0839 2703.58 -1852.87 110.916
EBE3C East Beach 2632.83 -1852.87 -89.0839 2959.35 -1668.13 110.916
EBE2A East Beach 2632.83 -1668.13 -89.0839 2747.74 -1393.42 110.916
EBE2B East Beach 2747.74 -1668.13 -89.0839 2959.35 -1498.62 110.916
ELS4 East Los Santos 2421.03 -1628.53 -89.0839 2632.83 -1454.35 110.916
ELS3A East Los Santos 2222.56 -1628.53 -89.0839 2421.03 -1494.03 110.916
JEF3B Jefferson 2056.86 -1449.67 -89.0839 2266.21 -1372.04 110.916
ELS3B East Los Santos 2266.26 -1494.03 -89.0839 2381.68 -1372.04 110.916
ELS3C East Los Santos 2381.68 -1494.03 -89.0839 2421.03 -1454.35 110.916
ELS1A East Los Santos 2281.45 -1372.04 -89.084 2381.68 -1135.04 110.916
ELS1B East Los Santos 2381.68 -1454.35 -89.0839 2462.13 -1135.04 110.916
ELS2 East Los Santos 2462.13 -1454.35 -89.0839 2581.73 -1135.04 110.916
LFL1A Los Flores 2581.73 -1454.35 -89.0839 2632.83 -1393.42 110.916
LFL1B Los Flores 2581.73 -1393.42 -89.0839 2747.74 -1135.04 110.916
EBE1 East Beach 2747.74 -1498.62 -89.0839 2959.35 -1120.04 110.916
CHC4A Las Colinas 2747.74 -1120.04 -89.0839 2959.35 -945.035 110.916
CHC4B Las Colinas 2632.74 -1135.04 -89.0839 2747.74 -945.035 110.916
CHC3 Las Colinas 2281.45 -1135.04 -89.0839 2632.74 -945.035 110.916
LDT5 Downtown Los Santos 1463.9 -1430.87 -89.084 1724.76 -1290.87 110.916
LDT7 Downtown Los Santos 1724.76 -1430.87 -89.0839 1812.62 -1250.9 110.916
LDT4 Downtown Los Santos 1463.9 -1290.87 -89.084 1724.76 -1150.87 110.916
LDT3 Downtown Los Santos 1370.85 -1384.95 -89.0839 1463.9 -1170.87 110.916
LDT6 Downtown Los Santos 1724.76 -1250.9 -89.0839 1812.62 -1150.87 110.916
MULINT Mulholland Intersection 1463.9 -1150.87 -89.0839 1812.62 -768.027 110.916
MUL3 Mulholland 1414.07 -768.027 -89.0839 1667.61 -452.425 110.916
MUL2A Mulholland 1281.13 -452.425 -89.0839 1641.13 -290.913 110.916
MUL2B Mulholland 1269.13 -768.027 -89.0839 1414.07 -452.425 110.916
MKT3 Market 787.461 -1416.25 -89.0838 1072.66 -1310.21 110.916
VIN3 Vinewood 787.461 -1310.21 -89.0838 952.663 -1130.84 110.916
MKT4 Market 952.663 -1310.21 -89.0839 1072.66 -1130.85 110.916
LDT1A Downtown Los Santos 1370.85 -1170.87 -89.0839 1463.9 -1130.85 110.916
LDT1B Downtown Los Santos 1378.33 -1130.85 -89.0838 1463.9 -1026.33 110.916
LDT1C Downtown Los Santos 1391.05 -1026.33 -89.0839 1463.9 -926.999 110.916
SUN3A Temple 1252.33 -1130.85 -89.0839 1378.33 -1026.33 110.916
SUN3B Temple 1252.33 -1026.33 -89.0839 1391.05 -926.999 110.916
SUN3C Temple 1252.33 -926.999 -89.0839 1357 -910.17 110.916
MUL7A Mulholland 1357 -926.999 -89.0838 1463.9 -768.027 110.916
MUL7B Mulholland 1318.13 -910.17 -89.0839 1357 -768.027 110.916
MUL6 Mulholland 1169.13 -910.17 -89.0838 1318.13 -768.027 110.916
VIN2 Vinewood 787.461 -1130.84 -89.0839 952.604 -954.662 110.916
SUN1 Temple 952.663 -1130.84 -89.084 1096.47 -937.184 110.916
SUN4 Temple 1096.47 -1130.84 -89.0838 1252.33 -1026.33 110.916
SUN2 Temple 1096.47 -1026.33 -89.0839 1252.33 -910.17 110.916
MUL4 Mulholland 768.694 -954.662 -89.0838 952.604 -860.619 110.916
MUL1A Mulholland 687.802 -860.619 -89.0839 911.802 -768.027 110.916
MUL1B Mulholland 737.573 -768.027 -89.0838 1142.29 -674.885 110.916
MUL5A Mulholland 1096.47 -910.17 -89.0838 1169.13 -768.027 110.916
MUL5B Mulholland 952.604 -937.184 -89.0839 1096.47 -860.619 110.916
MUL5C Mulholland 911.802 -860.619 -89.0838 1096.47 -768.027 110.916
MUL1C Mulholland 861.085 -674.885 -89.0839 1156.55 -600.896 110.916
SMB1 Santa Maria Beach 342.648 -2173.29 -89.0838 647.712 -1684.65 110.916
SMB2 Santa Maria Beach 72.6481 -2173.29 -89.0839 342.648 -1684.65 110.916
ROD5B Rodeo 72.6481 -1684.65 -89.084 225.165 -1544.17 110.916
ROD5A Rodeo 72.6481 -1544.17 -89.0839 225.165 -1404.97 110.916
ROD1A Rodeo 225.165 -1684.65 -89.0839 312.803 -1501.95 110.916
ROD1B Rodeo 225.165 -1501.95 -89.0839 334.503 -1369.62 110.916
ROD1C Rodeo 334.503 -1501.95 -89.0839 422.68 -1406.05 110.916
ROD3A Rodeo 312.803 -1684.65 -89.0839 422.68 -1501.95 110.916
ROD3B Rodeo 422.68 -1684.65 -89.0839 558.099 -1570.2 110.916
ROD4A Rodeo 558.099 -1684.65 -89.0839 647.522 -1384.93 110.916
ROD4B Rodeo 466.223 -1570.2 -89.0839 558.099 -1385.07 110.916
ROD4C Rodeo 422.68 -1570.2 -89.0839 466.223 -1406.05 110.916
VIN1B Vinewood 647.557 -1227.28 -89.0839 787.461 -1118.28 110.916
RIH5A Richman 647.557 -1118.28 -89.0839 787.461 -954.662 110.916
RIH5B Richman 647.557 -954.662 -89.0839 768.694 -860.619 110.916
ROD2B Rodeo 466.223 -1385.07 -89.0839 647.522 -1235.07 110.916
ROD2A Rodeo 334.503 -1406.05 -89.0839 466.223 -1292.07 110.916
RIH6A Richman 225.165 -1369.62 -89.0839 334.503 -1292.07 110.916
RIH6B Richman 225.165 -1292.07 -89.084 466.223 -1235.07 110.916
RIH3A Richman 72.6481 -1404.97 -89.0839 225.165 -1235.07 110.916
RIH3B Richman 72.6481 -1235.07 -89.0839 321.356 -1008.15 110.916
RIH4 Richman 321.356 -1235.07 -89.0839 647.522 -1044.07 110.916
RIH2 Richman 321.356 -1044.07 -89.0839 647.557 -860.619 110.916
RIH1A Richman 321.356 -860.619 -89.0839 687.802 -768.027 110.916
RIH1B Richman 321.356 -768.027 -89.0839 700.794 -674.885 110.916
STRIP1 The Strip 2027.4 863.229 -89.0839 2087.39 1703.23 110.916
STRIP2 The Strip 2106.7 1863.23 -89.0839 2162.39 2202.76 110.916
DRAG The Four Dragons Casino 1817.39 863.232 -89.084 2027.39 1083.23 110.916
PINK The Pink Swan 1817.39 1083.23 -89.0839 2027.39 1283.23 110.916
HIGH The High Roller 1817.39 1283.23 -89.0839 2027.39 1469.23 110.916
PIRA Pirates in Men's Pants 1817.39 1469.23 -89.084 2027.4 1703.23 110.916
VISA1 The Visage 1817.39 1863.23 -89.0839 2106.7 2011.83 110.916
VISA2 The Visage 1817.39 1703.23 -89.0839 2027.4 1863.23 110.916
JTS1 Julius Thruway South 1457.39 823.228 -89.0839 2377.39 863.229 110.916
JTW1 Julius Thruway West 1197.39 1163.39 -89.0839 1236.63 2243.23 110.916
JTS2 Julius Thruway South 2377.39 788.894 -89.0839 2537.39 897.901 110.916
RSE Rockshore East 2537.39 676.549 -89.0839 2902.35 943.235 110.916
LOT Come-A-Lot 2087.39 943.235 -89.0839 2623.18 1203.23 110.916
CAM The Camel's Toe 2087.39 1203.23 -89.0839 2640.4 1383.23 110.916
ROY Royal Casino 2087.39 1383.23 -89.0839 2437.39 1543.23 110.916
CALI1 Caligula's Palace 2087.39 1543.23 -89.0839 2437.39 1703.23 110.916
CALI2 Caligula's Palace 2137.4 1703.23 -89.0839 2437.39 1783.23 110.916
PILL1 Pilgrim 2437.39 1383.23 -89.0839 2624.4 1783.23 110.916
STAR2 Starfish Casino 2437.39 1783.23 -89.0839 2685.16 2012.18 110.916
STRIP3 The Strip 2027.4 1783.23 -89.084 2162.39 1863.23 110.916
STRIP4 The Strip 2027.4 1703.23 -89.0839 2137.4 1783.23 110.916
ISLE The Emerald Isle 2011.94 2202.76 -89.0839 2237.4 2508.23 110.916
OVS Old Venturas Strip 2162.39 2012.18 -89.0839 2685.16 2202.76 110.916
KACC K.A.C.C. Military Fuels 2498.21 2626.55 -89.0839 2749.9 2861.55 110.916
CREE Creek 2749.9 1937.25 -89.0839 2921.62 2669.79 110.916
SRY Sobell Rail Yards 2749.9 1548.99 -89.0839 2923.39 1937.25 110.916
LST Linden Station 2749.9 1198.99 -89.0839 2923.39 1548.99 110.916
JTE2 Julius Thruway East 2623.18 943.235 -89.0839 2749.9 1055.96 110.916
LDS Linden Side 2749.9 943.235 -89.0839 2923.39 1198.99 110.916
JTE1 Julius Thruway East 2685.16 1055.96 -89.0839 2749.9 2626.55 110.916
JTN1 Julius Thruway North 2498.21 2542.55 -89.0839 2685.16 2626.55 110.916
JTE4 Julius Thruway East 2536.43 2442.55 -89.0839 2685.16 2542.55 110.916
JTE3 Julius Thruway East 2625.16 2202.76 -89.0839 2685.16 2442.55 110.916
JTN2 Julius Thruway North 2237.4 2542.55 -89.0839 2498.21 2663.17 110.916
JTN3 Julius Thruway North 2121.4 2508.23 -89.0839 2237.4 2663.17 110.916
JTN4 Julius Thruway North 1938.8 2508.23 -89.0839 2121.4 2624.23 110.916
JTN5 Julius Thruway North 1534.56 2433.23 -89.0839 1848.4 2583.23 110.916
JTW2 Julius Thruway West 1236.63 2142.86 -89.084 1297.47 2243.23 110.916
JTN6 Julius Thruway North 1848.4 2478.49 -89.0839 1938.8 2553.49 110.916
HGP Harry Gold Parkway 1777.39 863.232 -89.0839 1817.39 2342.83 110.916
REDE1 Redsands East 1817.39 2011.83 -89.0839 2106.7 2202.76 110.916
REDE2 Redsands East 1817.39 2202.76 -89.0839 2011.94 2342.83 110.916
REDE3 Redsands East 1848.4 2342.83 -89.084 2011.94 2478.49 110.916
JTN8 Julius Thruway North 1704.59 2342.83 -89.0839 1848.4 2433.23 110.916
REDW2 Redsands West 1236.63 1883.11 -89.0839 1777.39 2142.86 110.916
REDW1 Redsands West 1297.47 2142.86 -89.084 1777.39 2243.23 110.916
REDW3 Redsands West 1377.39 2243.23 -89.0839 1704.59 2433.23 110.916
REDW4 Redsands West 1704.59 2243.23 -89.0839 1777.39 2342.83 110.916
VAIR1 Las Venturas Airport 1236.63 1203.28 -89.0839 1457.37 1883.11 110.916
VAIR2 Las Venturas Airport 1457.37 1203.28 -89.0839 1777.39 1883.11 110.916
VAIR3 Las Venturas Airport 1457.37 1143.21 -89.0839 1777.4 1203.28 110.916
LVA1 LVA Freight Depot 1457.39 863.229 -89.0839 1777.4 1143.21 110.916
BINT2 Blackfield Intersection 1197.39 1044.69 -89.0839 1277.05 1163.39 110.916
BINT1 Blackfield Intersection 1166.53 795.01 -89.0839 1375.6 1044.69 110.916
BINT3 Blackfield Intersection 1277.05 1044.69 -89.0839 1315.35 1087.63 110.916
BINT4 Blackfield Intersection 1375.6 823.228 -89.084 1457.39 919.447 110.916
LVA2 LVA Freight Depot 1375.6 919.447 -89.0839 1457.37 1203.28 110.916
LVA3 LVA Freight Depot 1277.05 1087.63 -89.0839 1375.6 1203.28 110.916
LVA4 LVA Freight Depot 1315.35 1044.69 -89.0839 1375.6 1087.63 110.916
LVA5 LVA Freight Depot 1236.63 1163.41 -89.0839 1277.05 1203.28 110.916
GGC1 Greenglass College 964.391 1044.69 -89.0839 1197.39 1203.22 110.916
GGC2 Greenglass College 964.391 930.89 -89.0839 1166.53 1044.69 110.916
BFLD1 Blackfield 964.391 1203.22 -89.084 1197.39 1403.22 110.916
BFLD2 Blackfield 964.391 1403.22 -89.084 1197.39 1726.22 110.916
ROCE1 Roca Escalante 2237.4 2202.76 -89.0839 2536.43 2542.55 110.916
ROCE2 Roca Escalante 2536.43 2202.76 -89.0839 2625.16 2442.55 110.916
LDM Last Dime Motel 1823.08 596.349 -89.0839 1997.22 823.228 110.916
RSW1 Rockshore West 1997.22 596.349 -89.0839 2377.39 823.228 110.916
RSW2 Rockshore West 2377.39 596.349 -89.084 2537.39 788.894 110.916
RIE Randolph Industrial Estate 1558.09 596.349 -89.084 1823.08 823.235 110.916
BFC1 Blackfield Chapel 1375.6 596.349 -89.084 1558.09 823.228 110.916
BFC2 Blackfield Chapel 1325.6 596.349 -89.084 1375.6 795.01 110.916
JTN7 Julius Thruway North 1377.39 2433.23 -89.0839 1534.56 2507.23 110.916
PINT Pilson Intersection 1098.39 2243.23 -89.0839 1377.39 2507.23 110.916
WWE Whitewood Estates 883.308 1726.22 -89.0839 1098.31 2507.23 110.916
PRP1 Prickle Pine 1534.56 2583.23 -89.0839 1848.4 2863.23 110.916
PRP2 Prickle Pine 1117.4 2507.23 -89.0839 1534.56 2723.23 110.916
PRP3 Prickle Pine 1848.4 2553.49 -89.0839 1938.8 2863.23 110.916
SPIN Spinybed 2121.4 2663.17 -89.0839 2498.21 2861.55 110.916
PRP4 Prickle Pine 1938.8 2624.23 -89.0839 2121.4 2861.55 110.916
PILL2 Pilgrim 2624.4 1383.23 -89.084 2685.16 1783.23 110.916
SASO San Andreas Sound 2450.39 385.503 -100 2759.25 562.349 200
FISH Fisher's Lagoon 1916.99 -233.323 -100 2131.72 13.8002 200
GARV Garver Bridge -1339.89 828.129 -89.0839 -1213.91 1057.04 110.916
GARV1 Garver Bridge -1213.91 950.022 -89.0839 -1087.93 1178.93 110.916
GARV2 Garver Bridge -1499.89 696.442 -179.615 -1339.89 925.353 20.3848
KINC Kincaid Bridge -1339.89 599.218 -89.0839 -1213.91 828.129 110.916
KINC1 Kincaid Bridge -1213.91 721.111 -89.0839 -1087.93 950.022 110.916
KINC2 Kincaid Bridge -1087.93 855.37 -89.0839 -961.95 986.281 110.916
LSINL Los Santos Inlet -321.744 -2224.43 -89.0839 44.6147 -1724.43 110.916
SHERR Sherman Reservoir -789.737 1659.68 -89.084 -599.505 1929.41 110.916
FLINW Flint Water -314.426 -753.874 -89.0839 -106.339 -463.073 110.916
ETUNN Easter Tunnel -1709.71 -833.034 -0.0000152588 -1446.01 -730.118 200
BYTUN Bayside Tunnel -2290.19 2548.29 -89.084 -1950.19 2723.29 110.916
BIGE 'The Big Ear' -410.02 1403.34 -0.0000305176 -137.969 1681.23 200
PROBE Lil' Probe Inn -90.2183 1286.85 -0.0000305176 153.859 1554.12 200
VALLE Valle Ocultado -936.668 2611.44 0.0000209808 -715.961 2847.9 200
GLN1 Glen Park 1812.62 -1350.72 -89.0839 2056.86 -1100.82 110.916
LDOC3A Ocean Docks 2324 -2302.33 -89.0839 2703.58 -2145.1 110.916
LINDEN Linden Station 2811.25 1229.59 -39.594 2861.25 1407.59 60.406
UNITY Unity Station 1692.62 -1971.8 -20.4921 1812.62 -1932.8 79.5079
VIN1A Vinewood 647.712 -1416.25 -89.0839 787.461 -1227.28 110.916
MARKST Market Station 787.461 -1410.93 -34.1263 866.009 -1310.21 65.8737
CRANB Cranberry Station -2007.83 56.3063 0 -1922 224.782 100
YELLOW Yellow Bell Station 1377.48 2600.43 -21.9263 1492.45 2687.36 78.0737
SANB1 San Fierro Bay -2616.4 1501.21 -0.0000305176 -1996.66 1659.68 200
SANB2 San Fierro Bay -2616.4 1659.68 -0.0000305176 -1996.66 2175.15 200
ELCA El Castillo del Diablo -464.515 2217.68 0 -208.57 2580.36 200
ELCA1 El Castillo del Diablo -208.57 2123.01 -0.00000762939 114.033 2337.18 200
ELCA2 El Castillo del Diablo -208.57 2337.18 0 8.42999 2487.18 200
REST Restricted Area -91.586 1655.05 -50 421.234 2123.01 250
MONINT Montgomery Intersection 1546.65 208.164 0 1745.83 347.457 200
MONINT Montgomery Intersection 1582.44 347.457 0 1664.62 401.75 200
ROBINT Robada Intersection -1119.01 1178.93 -89.084 -862.025 1351.45 110.916
FLINTI Flint Intersection -187.7 -1596.76 -89.0839 17.0632 -1276.6 110.916
SFBAG2 Easter Bay Airport -1315.42 -405.388 15.4061 -1264.4 -209.543 25.4061
SFBAG3 Easter Bay Airport -1354.39 -287.398 15.4061 -1315.42 -209.543 25.4061
SFBAG1 Easter Bay Airport -1490.33 -209.543 15.4061 -1264.4 -148.388 25.4061
MKT1 Market 1072.66 -1416.25 -89.084 1370.85 -1130.85 110.916
MKT2 Market 926.922 -1577.59 -89.0839 1370.85 -1416.25 110.916
SFGLF4 Avispa Country Club -2646.4 -355.493 0 -2270.04 -222.589 200
CUNTC2 Avispa Country Club -2831.89 -430.276 -0.0000610352 -2646.4 -222.589 200
HILLP Missionary Hill -2994.49 -811.276 0 -2178.69 -430.276 200
MTCHI2 Mount Chiliad -2178.69 -1771.66 -47.9166 -1936.12 -1250.97 576.083
MTCHI3 Mount Chiliad -2997.47 -1115.58 -47.9166 -2178.69 -971.913 576.083
MTCHI1 Mount Chiliad -2994.49 -2189.91 -47.9166 -2178.69 -1115.58 576.083
MTCHI4 Mount Chiliad -2178.69 -2189.91 -47.9166 -2030.12 -1771.66 576.083
YBELL1 Yellow Bell Golf Course 1117.4 2723.23 -89.0839 1457.46 2863.23 110.916
YBELL2 Yellow Bell Golf Course 1457.46 2723.23 -89.0839 1534.56 2863.23 110.916
LVBAG Las Venturas Airport 1515.81 1586.4 -12.5 1729.95 1714.56 87.5
LDOC1A Ocean Docks 2089 -2394.33 -89.0839 2201.82 -2235.84 110.916
LAIR2B Los Santos International 1382.73 -2730.88 -89.0839 2201.82 -2394.33 110.916
LDOC3B Ocean Docks 2201.82 -2730.88 -89.0839 2324 -2418.33 110.916
LBAG1 Los Santos International 1974.63 -2394.33 -39.0839 2089 -2256.59 60.9161
LBAG2 Los Santos International 1400.97 -2669.26 -39.0839 2189.82 -2597.26 60.9161
LBAG3 Los Santos International 2051.63 -2597.26 -39.0839 2152.45 -2394.33 60.9161
CONST1 Starfish Casino 2437.39 1858.1 -39.0839 2495.09 1970.85 60.9161
BEACO Beacon Hill -399.633 -1075.52 -1.48904 -319.033 -977.516 198.511
SFGLF1 Avispa Country Club -2361.51 -417.199 0 -2270.04 -355.493 200
SFGLF2 Avispa Country Club -2667.81 -302.135 -28.8305 -2646.4 -262.32 71.1695
SFGLF3 Garcia -2395.14 -222.589 -0.0000534058 -2354.09 -204.792 200
CUNTC1 Avispa Country Club -2470.04 -355.493 0 -2270.04 -318.493 46.1
CUNTC3 Avispa Country Club -2550.04 -355.493 0 -2470.04 -318.493 39.7
PLS Playa del Seville 2703.58 -2126.9 -89.0839 2959.35 -1852.87 110.916
LDOC3C Ocean Docks 2703.58 -2302.33 -89.0839 2959.35 -2126.9 110.916
STAR1 Starfish Casino 2162.39 1883.23 -89.0839 2437.39 2012.18 110.916
RING The Clown's Pocket 2162.39 1783.23 -89.0839 2437.39 1883.23 110.916
LDOC2 Ocean Docks 2324 -2145.1 -89.084 2703.58 -2059.23 110.916
LIND3 Willowfield 2324 -2059.23 -89.0839 2541.7 -1852.87 110.916
LIND4A Willowfield 2541.7 -2059.23 -89.0839 2703.58 -1941.4 110.916
WWE1 Whitewood Estates 1098.31 1726.22 -89.0839 1197.39 2243.23 110.916
LDT8 Downtown Los Santos 1507.51 -1385.21 110.916 1582.55 -1325.31 335.916
ANDREAS San Andreas -3000 -3000 -500 3000 3000 2000
A_PORT Escobar International 5611.79 -9279.61 0 6291.79 -7269.61 300
VCAIRU Escobar International 5640.63 -8315.63 0 6242.19 -7807.81 500
VCAIRR Escobar International 5609.38 -9276.56 0 6257.81 -8315.63 500
GOLFC Leaf Links 7286.27 -7741.43 0 7663.66 -6702.4 300
JUNKY Vice City Junkyard 6103.24 -7542.91 0 6291.79 -7269.61 300
DOCKS Viceport 6291.79 -9279.61 0 7246.79 -8398.74 300
WAS1 Washington Beach 7812.5 -7378.13 0 8093.75 -7245.31 500
WAS2 Washington Beach 7718.75 -7550 0 8093.75 -7378.13 500
WAS3 Washington Beach 7937.5 -7979.69 0 8093.75 -7550 500
WAS4 Washington Beach 7718.75 -7800 0 7890.63 -7550 500
WAS5 Washington Beach 7546.88 -7979.69 0 7937.5 -7800 500
WAS6 Washington Beach 7507.81 -8135.94 0 8023.44 -7979.69 500
WAS7 Washington Beach 7593.75 -8300 0 8000 -8135.94 500
OC1 Ocean Beach 7718.75 -8706.25 0 7906.25 -8300 500
OC2 Ocean Beach 7554.69 -8612.5 0 7718.75 -8300 500
OC3 Ocean Beach 7304.69 -8612.5 0 7554.69 -8354.69 500
OC4 Ocean Beach 7250 -8768.75 0 7718.75 -8612.5 500
OC5 Ocean Beach 7718.75 -9057.81 0 7835.94 -8706.25 500
OC6 Ocean Beach 7273.44 -8925 0 7718.75 -8768.75 500
OC7 Ocean Beach 7320.31 -9120.31 0 7718.75 -8925 500
CIS1 Prawn Island 7492.19 -6682.81 0 7625 -6464.06 500
CIS2 Prawn Island 7328.13 -6682.81 0 7492.19 -6464.06 500
CIS3 Prawn Island 7328.13 -6464.06 0 7625 -6245.31 500
LIHAV1 Little Havana 6562.5 -8050 0 6765.63 -7925 500
LIHAV2 Little Havana 6562.5 -8245.31 0 6726.56 -8050 500
LIHAV3 Little Havana 6429.69 -8245.31 0 6562.5 -8050 500
LIHAV4 Little Havana 6296.88 -8268.75 0 6429.69 -8050 500
LIHAV5 Little Havana 6468.75 -7925 0 6710.94 -7815.63 500
LIHAV6 Little Havana 6242.19 -8050 0 6562.5 -7925 500
LIHAV7 Little Havana 6242.19 -7925 0 6468.75 -7815.63 500
LIHAV8 Little Havana 6257.81 -8604.69 0 6750 -8268.75 500
LIHAV9 Little Havana 6355.81 -8396.48 0 6435.23 -8258.38 500
LIHAV10 Little Havana 6435.23 -8440.32 0 6584.84 -8353.49 500
LIHAV11 Little Havana 6474.38 -8520.69 0 6584.84 -8440.32 500
LIHAV12 Little Havana 6446.92 -8597.13 0 6584.84 -8520.69 500
LIHAV13 Little Havana 6584.84 -8619.02 0 6658.99 -8520.69 500
LIHAI1 Little Haiti 6242.19 -7815.63 0 6710.94 -7753.13 500
LIHAI2 Little Haiti 6500 -7753.13 0 6710.94 -7464.06 500
LIHAI3 Little Haiti 6710.94 -7612.5 0 6820.31 -7323.44 500
LIHAI4 Little Haiti 6710.94 -7323.44 0 6859.38 -7120.31 500
LIHAI6 Little Haiti 6242.19 -7753.13 0 6500 -7565.63 500
LIHAI8 Little Haiti 6218.75 -7565.63 0 6500 -7464.06 500
LIHAI7 Little Haiti 6335.94 -7464.06 0 6710.94 -7276.56 500
LIHAI9 Little Haiti 6335.94 -7276.56 0 6710.94 -7096.88 500
VCONST Construction Site 7517.34 -7937.03 0 7778.24 -7745.83 100
CISLAND InterGlobal Films 7363.6 -6647.96 0 7515.7 -6454.25 100
KAUFM1 Kaufman Cabs 6484.64 -7321.09 0 6505.96 -7278.25 100
KAUFM2 Kaufman Cabs 6506.62 -7323.52 0 6520.15 -7280.68 100
CARYRD Sunshine Auto's 6439.46 -8410.66 0 6540.3 -8307.18 100
DTA1 Downtown Vice City 6296.9 -7096.88 0 6593.75 -6281.25 500
DTA2 Downtown Vice City 6593.8 -7096.88 0 6710.94 -6710.94 500
DTO1 Downtown Vice City 6710.94 -7120.31 0 6968.75 -6893.75 500
DTO2 Downtown Vice City 6765.63 -6893.75 0 7031.25 -6760.94 500
DTO3 Downtown Vice City 6851.56 -6760.94 0 7085.94 -6604.69 500
DTO5 Downtown Vice City 6851.56 -6604.69 0 7218.75 -6378.12 500
DTO4 Downtown Vice City 6593.75 -6760.94 0 6851.56 -6675 500
DTO6 Downtown Vice City 6593.75 -6675 0 6851.56 -6378.12 500
DTO7 Downtown Vice City 6976.56 -6378.12 0 7257.81 -6104.69 500
DTO8 Downtown Vice City 6593.75 -6378.12 0 6976.56 -6276.56 500
DTO9 Downtown Vice City 6445.31 -6276.56 0 6593.75 -6003.12 500
DTO10 Downtown Vice City 6593.75 -6276.56 0 6976.56 -6159.37 500
DTO11 Downtown Vice City 6593.75 -6159.37 0 6695.31 -6003.12 500
DTO12 Downtown Vice City 6695.31 -6159.37 0 6914.06 -6003.12 500
MAL1 Vice Point 7671.88 -6276.56 0 8093.75 -6151.56 500
MAL2 Vice Point 7750 -6432.81 0 8093.75 -6276.56 500
MAL3 Vice Point 7773.44 -6643.75 0 8093.75 -6432.81 500
MAL4 Vice Point 7656.25 -6878.13 0 7890.63 -6643.75 500
MAL5 Vice Point 7890.63 -6878.13 0 8093.75 -6643.75 500
MAL6 Vice Point 7843.75 -7034.38 0 8093.75 -6878.13 500
MAL7 Vice Point 7750 -7245.31 0 8093.75 -7034.38 500
HYM Hyman Memorial Stadium 5921.88 -6331.25 0 6445.31 -5948.44 500
PRINTWK Vice City Printworks 6362.76 -7815.2 0 6458.24 -7660.2 500
ARMYBAS Fort Baxter Air Base 5701.95 -7815.2 0 5944.15 -7541.91 500
STARI1 Starfish Island 6765.63 -7971.88 0 7031.25 -7729.69 500
STARI2 Starfish Island 7031.25 -7971.88 0 7140.63 -7729.69 500
STARI3 Starfish Island 7140.63 -7971.88 0 7343.75 -7729.69 500
STARI5 Starfish Island 6960.94 -8182.81 0 7343.75 -7971.88 500
STARI4 Starfish Island 6765.63 -8182.81 0 6960.94 -7971.88 500
VCBH1 Vice City Beach 8093.75 -9323.44 0 8492.19 -6151.56 500
VCBH2 Vice City Beach 8023.44 -9315.63 0 8093.75 -7979.69 500
VCBH3 Vice City Beach 7906.25 -9307.81 0 8023.44 -8300 500
VCBH4 Vice City Beach 7351.56 -9307.81 0 7906.25 -9120.31 500
VCBH5 Vice City Beach 7835.94 -9120.31 0 7906.25 -8706.25 500
VCBH6 Vice City Beach 7718.75 -9120.31 0 7835.94 -9057.81 500
VICE Vice City 5500 -10000 -500 10000 -5500 2000
NPMALL 13092.2 -11764.2 990.454 13237.9 -11476.7 1049.62
FOR1 Bedford Point 8021.87 6575 0 8451.56 6700 500
FOR2 Bedford Point 8225 6700 0 8451.56 6840.63 500
FOR3 Bedford Point 8021.87 6700 0 8115.62 7059.38 500
FOR4 Bedford Point 8115.62 6700 0 8225 7059.38 500
FOR5 Bedford Point 8225 6840.63 0 8451.56 7059.38 500
FOR6 Bedford Point 8209.37 7059.38 0 8451.56 7246.88 500
FOR7 Bedford Point 8021.87 7059.38 0 8209.37 7246.88 500
FOR8 Belleville Park 8131.25 7246.88 0 8451.56 7348.44 500
FOR9 Belleville Park 8131.25 7348.44 0 8451.56 7481.25 500
FOR10 Belleville Park 8295.31 7481.25 0 8451.56 7684.38 500
FOR12 Belleville Park 8139.06 7684.38 0 8451.56 7840.63 500
FOR11 Belleville Park 8139.06 7481.25 0 8295.31 7684.38 500
FOR13 Newport 8451.56 7192.19 0 8685.94 7340.63 500
FOR14 Newport 8451.56 7340.63 0 8865.62 7489.06 500
FOR15 Newport 8451.56 7489.06 0 8576.56 7840.63 500
FOR16 Newport 8576.56 7489.06 0 8865.62 7660.94 500
FOR17 Newport 8576.56 7660.94 0 8865.62 7840.63 500
FOR18 Saint Mark's 9537.18 7728.42 0 9666.99 7858.39 161
YAK1 Torrington 8451.56 7082.81 0 8826.56 7192.19 500
YAK2 Torrington 8451.56 6973.44 0 8826.56 7082.81 500
YAK3 Torrington 8623.44 6793.75 0 8826.56 6973.44 500
YAK4 Torrington 8451.56 6793.75 0 8623.44 6973.44 500
YAK5 Torrington 8623.44 6575 0 8826.56 6793.75 500
YAK6 Torrington 8451.56 6575 0 8623.44 6793.75 500
MAF1 Saint Mark's 9387.09 7728.42 0 9537.18 7852.8 161
MAF2 Saint Mark's 9360.21 7852.8 0 9503.62 7886.18 161
MAF3 Saint Mark's 9503.62 7852.8 0 9537.18 7944.62 161
MAF4 Saint Mark's 9537.18 7858.39 0 9666.99 7944.62 161
MAF5 Saint Mark's 9555.78 7944.62 0 9666.99 8056.21 161
MAF6 Saint Mark's 9537.18 7944.62 0 9555.78 8056.21 161
MAF7 Saint Mark's 9435.96 7944.62 0 9537.18 8007.69 161
MAF8 Saint Mark's 9445.77 8007.69 0 9537.18 8074.93 161
MAF9 Saint Mark's 9360.21 7944.62 0 9435.96 8007.69 161
MAF10 Saint Mark's 9360.21 7886.18 0 9503.62 7944.62 161
MAF11 Trenton 9398.01 7353.36 0 9458.5 7420.14 161
MSALV Salvatore's House 9666.99 8040.35 0 9750.13 8112.73 161
BIKE1 Saint Mark's 9290 7690.61 0 9387.09 7852.8 161
BIKE2 Saint Mark's 9290 7852.8 0 9360.21 7944.62 161
BIKE3 Saint Mark's 9290 7944.62 0 9360.21 8007.69 161
BIKE4 Trenton 9315.77 7611.18 0 9387.09 7690.61 161
BIKE5 Trenton 9310.77 7421.18 0 9387.09 7471.18 161
BIKE6 Trenton 9315.77 7471.18 0 9387.09 7538.62 161
BIKE7 Trenton 9315.77 7538.62 0 9387.09 7611.18 161
DIA1 Hepburn Heights 9360.21 8007.69 0 9445.77 8074.93 161
DIA2 Hepburn Heights 9360.21 8074.93 0 9455.78 8136.18 161
DIA3 Hepburn Heights 9360.21 8136.18 0 9465.36 8228.7 161
DIA4 Hepburn Heights 9204.01 8228.7 2.52127 9378.67 8284.96 161
DIA5 Hepburn Heights 9243.78 8115.37 0 9360.21 8228.7 161
DIA6 Hepburn Heights 9097.53 8115.37 1.57141 9243.78 8172.55 161
DIA7 Hepburn Heights 9126.8 8172.55 0 9243.78 8228.7 161
DIA8 Hepburn Heights 9290 8007.69 0 9360.21 8115.37 161
DIA9 Hepburn Heights 9203.27 7997.86 0 9290 8115.37 161
DIA10 Hepburn Heights 9097.53 7997.86 0 9203.27 8115.37 161
DIA11 Hepburn Heights 9046.78 7997.86 0 9097.53 8119.23 161
DIA12 Hepburn Heights 9046.78 8119.23 0 9097.53 8172.55 161
SIND1 Red Light District 9046.78 7917.87 0 9150.79 7997.86 161
SIND2 Red Light District 9150.79 7917.87 0 9250.77 7997.86 161
SIND3 Red Light District 9250.77 7921.18 0 9290 7997.86 161
SIND4 Red Light District 9250.77 7852.8 0 9290 7921.18 161
SIND5 Red Light District 9150.79 7852.8 0 9250.77 7917.87 161
SIND6 Red Light District 9046.78 7852.8 0 9150.79 7917.87 161
SIND7 Red Light District 9105.93 7805.97 0 9175.77 7852.8 161
SIND8 Red Light District 9046.78 7741.18 0 9175.77 7805.97 161
SIND9 Red Light District 9046.78 7805.97 0 9105.93 7852.8 161
SIND10 Red Light District 9175.77 7741.18 0 9234.39 7852.8 161
SIND11 Red Light District 9234.39 7788.91 0 9290 7852.8 161
SIND12 Red Light District 9234.39 7690.61 0 9290 7788.91 161
TRIA1 Chinatown 9046.78 7538.62 0 9139.95 7690.61 161
TRIA2 Chinatown 9139.95 7538.62 0 9234.27 7690.61 161
TRIA3 Chinatown 9046.78 7690.61 0 9234.39 7741.18 161
TRIA4 Chinatown 9139.95 7471.18 0 9235.77 7538.62 161
TRIA5 Chinatown 9139.95 7421.18 0 9310.77 7471.18 161
TRIA6 Chinatown 9046.78 7456.65 0 9139.95 7538.62 161
TRIA7 Chinatown 9235.77 7471.18 0 9315.77 7538.62 161
TRIA8 Chinatown 9234.27 7538.62 0 9315.77 7690.61 161
TRIB 9162.5 7098.44 0 9318.75 7184.38 500
LCAIR1 Francis Intl. Airport 6607.81 6895.31 0 7482.81 7864.06 500
LCAIR2 Francis Intl. Airport 7482.81 6895.31 0 7787.5 7434.38 500
COL1 Liberty Campus 8367.27 7838.38 0 8489.27 8188.38 500
COL2 Fort Staunton 8490.62 7840.63 0 8865.62 7996.88 500
COL3 Fort Staunton 8490.62 7996.88 0 8864.32 8188.38 500
COL4 8537.5 8192.19 0 8865.62 8410.94 500
COL5 8367.24 8188.89 0 8537.5 8410.94 500
COL6 Aspatria 8021.87 7840.63 0 8201.56 7981.25 500
COL7 Aspatria 8201.56 7840.63 0 8365.62 8106.25 500
COL8 Aspatria 8021.87 7981.25 0 8201.56 8239.06 500
COL9 Aspatria 8201.56 8106.25 0 8365.62 8410.94 500
COL10 Aspatria 8021.87 8239.06 0 8201.56 8410.94 500
COL11 Cedar Grove 7381.25 8430.63 0 7560.94 8594.69 500
COL12 Cedar Grove 7560.94 8430.63 0 7787.5 8594.69 500
COL13 Cedar Grove 7787.5 8430.63 0 7975 8743.13 500
COL14 Cedar Grove 7381.25 8594.69 0 7787.5 8743.13 500
HOOD1 Wichita Gardens 7732.81 8211.88 0 7881.25 8430.63 500
HOOD2 Wichita Gardens 7584.37 8211.88 0 7732.81 8430.63 500
HOOD3 Wichita Gardens 7435.94 8071.25 0 7584.37 8430.63 500
HOOD4 Wichita Gardens 7584.37 8071.25 0 7881.25 8211.88 500
HOOD5 Pike Creek 7303.12 8071.25 0 7435.94 8290 500
HOOD6 Pike Creek 7115.62 8071.25 0 7303.12 8290 500
HOOD7 Pike Creek 6842.19 8071.25 0 7115.62 8290 500
HOOD8 Pike Creek 6842.19 8290 0 7115.62 8430.63 500
HOOD9 Pike Creek 7115.62 8290 0 7435.94 8430.63 500
LCDAM Cochrane Dam 6842.19 8430.63 0 7381.25 8954.06 500
ROADBR1 Callahan Bridge 8867.44 7291.65 6.26083 9315.44 7341.65 206.261
PORT_W Callahan Point 9001.68 7071.78 -13.8723 9315.68 7291.27 136.128
FISHFAC 9194.21 7070.19 -9.72576 9266.14 7173.99 40.2742
PORT_S Atlantic Quays 9315.88 6998.45 -13.5049 9751.88 7180.07 136.495
PORT_E Portland Harbor 9613.68 7180.35 -18.8643 10065.7 7636.35 131.136
PORT_I Trenton 9315.88 7180.15 1.49868 9613.38 7507.95 151.499
CHINAT Chinatown 8995.42 7341.71 -21.203 9315.42 7786.31 129.593
REDLIGH Red Light District 8995.38 7786.38 -22.6676 9315.38 7967.38 147.332
TOWERS Hepburn Heights 8995.42 7967.6 -13.4117 9315.42 8171.23 136.588
LITTLEI Saint Mark's 9315.9 7737.68 -14.296 9638.9 8171.68 135.704
HARWOOD Harwood 8995.98 8471.82 -48.5832 9638.98 8572.68 101.417
EASTBAY Portland Beach 9639.37 7636.53 -29.883 10047.6 8449.63 120.117
S_VIEW Portland View 9316.1 7508.19 -34.2068 9613.6 7737.19 115.793
COPS_1 9385.8 7554.98 6.9661 9432.36 7618.98 56.9661
HOSPI_1 Rockford 9386.09 7390.02 6.287 9432.09 7728.83 56.287
IND_ZON Portland 8867.15 6920.28 -117.535 10152.7 8684.12 482.465
ROADBR2 Callahan Bridge 8694.77 7291.7 30.7441 8864.88 7341.7 180.744
FILLIN1 9613.77 7636.66 -4.43849 9639.17 7737.46 70.4322
CONSTRU Fort Staunton 8489.88 7838.38 0.0000763 8864.32 8188.38 163.819
STADIUM Aspatria 8024.24 7837.4 -0.0000954 8366.24 8410.5 120.271
YAKUSA Torrington 8449.77 6577.58 -61.7588 8827.77 7190.07 432.688
SHOPING Bedford Point 8025.56 6577.95 -61.3183 8449.56 7245.55 432.352
COM_EAS Newport 8450.11 7190.81 -0.000144958 8865.11 7837.81 198.864
PARK Belleville Park 8128.43 7246.93 -46.7463 8449.27 7836.93 224.163
UNIVERS Liberty Campus 8367.27 7838.38 0.000190735 8489.27 8188.38 166.36
HOSPI_2 Rockford 8367.24 8188.89 -17.071 8865.24 8518.89 83.754
AIRPORT Francis Intl. Airport 6617.03 6905.29 -45.9404 7781.37 7981.56 254.696
PROJECT Wichita Gardens 7438.17 7981.93 -45.8745 7878.96 8342.73 254.241
SWANKS Cedar Grove 7382.77 8343.39 -50.1134 7983.09 8900.06 250.426
SUB_IND Pike Creek 6842.43 7982.03 -49.6792 7437.69 8342.76 250.437
BIG_DAM Cochrane Dam 6855.5 8343.44 -46.7412 7382.48 8954.54 253.344
MAIN_D1 9287.53 7342.73 0 9315.16 7612.31 30.0069
MAIN_D2 9216.08 7612.63 0 9314.83 7640.44 30.0789
MAIN_D3 9215.79 7641.01 0 9245.31 7779.77 30.9302
MAIN_D4 9245.59 7738.91 0 9315.11 7779.77 30.0789
MAIN_D5 9285.88 7786.44 0 9314.83 7967.14 30.3627
MAIN_D6 9286.15 7968.04 0 9314.85 8070.78 30.6465
SUB_ZON Shoreside Vale 6605.36 6898.62 -117 7983.1 9456.35 483
COM_ZON Staunton Island 7984.52 6530.03 -114.769 8865.52 8617.26 485.231
SUB_ZO2 Shoreside Vale 7984.56 8411.11 -41.7094 8128.71 8617.04 358.291
SUB_ZO3 Shoreside Vale 7984.57 8329.09 -45.8201 8023.67 8411.06 354.18
WEE_DAM Cochrane Dam 7011.41 8556.84 -0.48605 7339.56 8754.65 39.514
LIBERTY Liberty City 6137.65 6000 -500 10000 10000 2000
SHACK1 272.465 -443.938 1021.16 302.065 -416.638 1030.56
AT01 Atlantis 7302.93 -890.676 -500 8980.42 797.658 500
PEACH Peachtree 8030.73 146.698 -500 8558.64 670.664 500
BWMAIN Bullworth 8059.07 13586 -500 9024.89 14888.2 500
BWACA Bullworth Academy 8078.79 13948.3 -89 8557.2 14373.9 500
BWPREP Harrington House 8332.06 14090.6 -89 8371.73 14143.8 500
BWNRD1 Bullworth Academy 8408.77 14056.5 -89 8465.74 14115.8 500
BWNRD2 Bullworth Academy 8278.03 14094.2 -89 8326.98 14140.1 500
BWGRS1 Bullworth Academy 8346.21 14187.9 -89 8420.89 14287.5 500
BWJCK1 Bullworth Academy 8197.77 14218.2 -89 8245.66 14245.2 500
BWJCK2 Bullworth Academy 8192.25 14130 -89 8245.66 14218.2 500
BWJCK3 Bullworth Academy 8245.66 14130 -89 8322.41 14204.6 500
BWTWN Bullworth Town 8630.36 14034.4 -89 8911.03 14315.9 500
BWCOV New Coventry 8589.46 13556.3 -89 8911.03 14034.4 500
BWGRS2 New Coventry 8730.16 13965.4 -89 8857.77 14034.4 500
BWGRS3 New Coventry 8638.83 13928 -89 8730.16 14034.4 500
BWGRS4 New Coventry 8730.16 13871.3 -89 8826.67 13965.4 500
BWGRS5 New Coventry 8618.51 13807.3 -89 8730.16 13928 500
BWGRS6 New Coventry 8730.16 13742.8 -89 8853.89 13871.3 500
BWIND Blue Skies Industrial Park 8078.79 13556.3 -89 8589.46 13948.3 500
BWASY Happy Volts Asylum 8078.79 13778.8 -89 8206.92 13948.3 500
BWRICH Old Bullworth Vale 8464.24 14290.9 -89 8963.91 14915.5 500
BWPRP1 Old Bullworth Vale 8649.22 14678.7 -89 8734.51 14781 500
BWPRP2 Old Bullworth Vale 8734.51 14732.9 -89 8816.73 14808 500
BWPRP3 Old Bullworth Vale 8734.51 14678.7 -89 8851.73 14732.9 500
BWPRP4 Old Bullworth Vale 8734.51 14578.7 -89 8851.72 14678.7 500
BWPRP5 Old Bullworth Vale 8588.14 14641.3 -89 8649.22 14742.1 500
MIDWAY Midway -1851.43 8282.61 -500 3009.97 13062.8 500
MW01 Elysian Park 1806.69 9829.85 -89 2275.02 10261.3 500
MW02 Bermingham Park 1806.69 9241.07 -89 2275.02 9829.85 500
MW03 South Square 1327.65 9241.07 -89 1806.69 9533.37 500
MW04 West Square 1563.36 9533.37 -89 1806.69 10261.3 500
MW05 Midway Marina 2275.02 9171.2 -89 3069.93 10261.3 500
MW06 West Square 1327.65 9533.37 -89 1563.36 10219.8 500
MW07 North Square 1327.65 10219.8 -89 1563.36 10573.8 500
MW08 North Square 1563.36 10261.3 -89 2150.87 10573.8 500
MW09 North Square 2150.87 10261.3 -89 2327.71 10694.8 500
MW10 West River 1022.03 9829.46 -89 1327.65 10423.6 500
MW11 West River 1081.33 9519.74 -89 1327.65 9829.46 500
MW12 West River 1163.69 9150.18 -89 1327.65 9519.74 500
MW13 North River 1631.34 10573.8 -89 2150.87 10788.8 500
MW14 North River 2150.87 10694.8 -89 2472.52 10788.8 500
MW15 North River 2327.71 10620.7 -89 2472.52 10694.8 500
MW16 North Square 2327.71 10304.5 -89 2472.52 10620.7 500
MW17 Midway Marina 2327.71 10261.3 -89 2472.52 10304.5 500
MW18 Midway Marina 2472.52 10261.3 -89 3069.93 10788.8 500
MW19 Midway Marina 2381.3 10788.8 -89 3069.93 10849.4 500
MW20 Midway Marina 2707.34 10849.4 -89 3069.93 10968.9 500
MW21 West River 1327.65 10573.8 -89 1631.34 10717.8 500
MW22 West River 1022.03 10423.6 -89 1327.65 10717.8 500
MW23 West River 873.481 10513 -89 1022.03 10616.9 500
MW24 Mensford 1631.34 10788.8 -89 2150.87 11033.5 500
MW25 Mensford 1559.93 10717.8 -89 1631.34 11033.5 500
MW26 Mensford 1816.49 11033.5 -89 2378.56 11434.4 500
CARCER Carcer City 3911.54 4640.75 -89 6137.65 6000 500
CCCNTR Central 4772.33 4956.29 -89 5190.23 5267.37 500
CCELB1 East Los Albos 5660.8 4763.34 -89 6033.23 5368.04 500
CCELB2 East Los Albos 6033.23 5269.62 -89 6137.65 5440.81 500
CCELB3 East Los Albos 5932.54 5368.04 -89 6033.23 5440.81 500
CCSTKY Stockyard 5017.5 5541.06 -89 5552 5702.78 500
CCWAPH Wapona Hills 4374.37 5738.15 -89 4716.95 6089.94 500
DNSFLD Dunsfold -9359.45 -1025.13 -89 -6132.36 1943.17 500