Vehicle info types

A list of vehicle info types used by GetVehicleModelInfo can be found here. GTA: Underground also offers vehicle model info for all of its vehicles. See our vehicle documentation to find out what you can obtain using GetVehicleModelInfo.

ID Constant Description
1 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_SIZE The vehicle size.
1 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT The position of the front seat. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
2 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REARSEAT The position of the rear seat. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
3 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_PETROLCAP The position of the petrol cap. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
4 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSFRONT The position of the front wheels. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
5 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSREAR The position of the rear wheels. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
6 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_WHEELSMID The position of the mid wheels. Only used for vehicles which have more than 4 wheels. The position is relative to the pivot (usually the center) of the vehicle.
7 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONT_BUMPER_Z The height of the front bumper. GetVehicleModelInfo will only return the Z value when used.
8 VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_REAR_BUMPER_Z The height of the rear bumper. GetVehicleModelInfo will only return the Z value when used.