Pickup types
A lot of natives in SA-MP (and obviously UG-MP as well) work with pickup types.
This page lists all of these pickup types, along with the constant names which R* might have used in development, along with a description for clarification.
It should be noted that UG-MP uses the same pickup types as SA-MP uses. This list is simply far more detailed.
ID | Constant | Description |
0 | PICKUP_NONE | Pretty self-explanatory. It has no special attributes and cannot be picked up. It also does not trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup, and is not removed when closing the server. |
1 | PICKUP_IN_SHOP | Very useful if you wish to put weapons on display somewhere. It is used by the Phil's Fully Cocked script in GTA: VC (and UG, as well). It cannot be picked up however OnPlayerPickUpPickup does fire every few seconds. This is likely a SA-MP bug. |
2 | PICKUP_ON_STREET | A "generic" pickup type primarily used for money pickups which appear after killing someone. They will despawn after 30 seconds when the player is at distance of at least 15 metres. |
3 | PICKUP_ONCE | Once picked up it will disappear, and won't respawn until a sufficient time frame has elapsed. |
4 | PICKUP_ONCE_TIMEOUT | Same as PICKUP_ONCE but disappears after a timeout of 20 seconds. |
5 | PICKUP_ONCE_TIMEOUT_SLOW | Same as PICKUP_ONCE but disappears after a ttimeout of 120 seconds. |
6 | PICKUP_COLLECTABLE1 | Usage discouraged Used for collectables such as horseshoes and oysters. On GTA: UG hidden packages also use this pickup type. |
7 | PICKUP_IN_SHOP_OUT_OF_STOCK | Usage discouraged Used by Ammu-Nation stores in GTA: III for weapons which are out of stock. |
8 | PICKUP_MONEY | Used in singleplayer for money pickups. It is pretty useless in UG-MP as it doesn't really do anything unique. |
9 | PICKUP_MINE_INACTIVE | Used by the cut land mine feature. Pickups created with this type will automatically change to PICKUP_MINE_ARMED once it comes into contact with any (ground) vehicle, and a 10-second timer will start. |
10 | PICKUP_MINE_ARMED | Usage discouraged Used by the cut land mine feature. Once used, it will create an explosion if the timer started by PICKUP_MINE_INACTIVE expires, or if any vehicle is in contact with the landmine. The game will automatically change the type to PICKUP_MINE_INACTIVE when you attempt to create a pickup with this type. |
11 | PICKUP_NAUTICAL_MINE_INACTIVE | Used for nautical/sea mines. Pickups with this type will automatically float, and change to PICKUP_NAUTICAL_MINE_ARMED once it comes into contact with any vessel. A 10-second timer will start when this happens. |
12 | PICKUP_NAUTICAL_MINE_ARMED | Usage discouraged Used for nautical/sea mines. Pickups with this type will automatically float, and, once used, will create an explosion if the timer started by PICKUP_NAUTICAL_MINE_INACTIVE expires, or if it is in contact wiith any vessel. The game will automatically change the type to PICKUP_NAUTICAL_MINE_INACTIVE when you attempt to create a pickup with this type. |
13 | PICKUP_FLOATINGPACKAGE | Very useful if you want to create a floating pickup. The game will automatically change the type to PICKUP_FLOATINGPACKAGE_FLOATING when the water level underneath is high enough. You should always create floating pickups with this type. Furthermore, it cannot be picked up. |
14 | PICKUP_FLOATINGPACKAGE_FLOATING | Usage discouraged Used to mark a floating package which is actually "floating". You shouldn't use this type when creating pickups (see PICKUP_FLOATINGPACKAGE for an explanation). It is removed once it comes into contact with any vehicle and OnPlayerPickUpPickup will not be triggered when this happens. |
15 | PICKUP_ON_STREET_SLOW | Same as PICKUP_ON_STREET, however the pickup will despawn after 12 minutes. If the model ID is a bribe, it will dispawn after just 5 minutes. |
16 | PICKUP_ASSET_REVENUE | Used by purchasable businesses (or assets) for their revenue pickups. |
17 | PICKUP_PROPERTY_LOCKED | Used for properties which are not yet available to the player. They are typically marked on the map by a red house icon (but the map icon is managed independently of pickups with this type). |
18 | PICKUP_PROPERTY_FORSALE | Used for properties which can be bought by the player. They are typically marked on the map by a green house icon (but the map icon is managed independently of pickups with this type). |
19 | PICKUP_MONEY_DOESNTDISAPPEAR | Same as PICKUP_MONEY, however it does not despawn naturally. It can still be picked up, however. |
20 | PICKUP_SNAPSHOT | Used for snapshot locations in singleplayer. It will disappear after taking a screenshot with the camera weapon (assuming the pickup is in view), and "Snapshot X out of X taken" will be displayed. OnPlayerPickUpPickup is not triggered in this case as the pickup is not actually "picked up". |
21 | PICKUP_2P | Usage discouraged Used for the 2-player mode. |
22 | PICKUP_ONCE_FOR_MISSION | Probably the same as PICKUP_ONCE but used for missions only. |