

Joined on Dec 26 2020

NY2 Cloudy Weather Daytime
Snapshot 4.1.7
Only on daytime the cloudy NY2 have pipeline problem from previous snapshot that some buildings and ground are blacken. I figured it out what the cause of it whenever I used draw distance to maximum it makes some buildings black just like on snapshot 3.3.11
I don't know.


Project Manager

Joined on Nov 24 2018

Posted 4 years ago

It's probably because the III building pipeline looks very off with LCS weather. Dkluin always claimed that the NY2 weather code is like in LCS so I don't think we can do much here (and no, we won't change the building pipelines to LCS because then it will look bad with III weather).



Joined on Dec 26 2020

Posted 4 years ago

Okay thanks for trying.