View tracker entry Fern User Joined on Aug 25 2020 Title Objects aren't always solid when using CreateObject State Verified Mod version(s) Snapshot 4.1.3 Description Whenever you create object 16037, it is not solid for some players. We tried this object many times and always it is solid only for some players. Steps to reproduce CreateObject(16037, 2789.377685, -2554.510253, 16.551414, 0.000000, 0.000000, -61.399990, 300.00); dkluin Project Leader Joined on May 11 2016 Posted 4 years ago There's a problem with CreateObject where the spawned model won't always be solid. It has just been verified and confirmed, however this will require some debugging. Our lift bridge script on our testing server suffers from the same problem.