

Joined on Jul 18 2016

[SUGGESTION] Some changes in weapon's skill slot.
Snapshot 3.3.11
I think that weapon stat slot should be changed a bit. Like I saw that every some of the weapon uses one skill slot. Like, AK47 Skill is used by some weapons. Some new pistols also do the same thing.
So, my suggestion is use AK47, Ruger, M4 and many other assault weapon will use one weapon skill slot. Like change AK47 skill to Assault Weapon skill. Same thing will go with other weapon. 9mm, Beretta, Silenced 9mm weapon will use Pistol Skill. I think that you should modify string files of the game.


Project Leader

Joined on May 11 2016

Posted 9 years ago

Weapon stats cannot be changed yet. It requires alot of patching to do so.



Joined on Jul 18 2016

Posted 9 years ago

So, it isn't possible for now?


Project Leader

Joined on May 11 2016

Posted 5 years ago

Put this in Verified as it's still one of the things I want to do at some point (even though it isnt a reproducable bug)